
Department (s) and its Unit(s) of Muktinath Corporation


Mukti Corp shall be implemented its activities via following 4 (FOUR) departments that help to implement its objectives. BoDs shall be appointed Department’s Head and Unit Chief. Subcommittee leader shall be appointed by unit head.

Department (s)       Unit (s) Subunit (s) Job Description (JD)



  धर्म बिभाग








1. Salvation (Moksha/ Mukti)

2. Religious, Office

  • Spiritual and YOGA Practice
  • Religious Festivals
  • Cultural Events/activities
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Corporate Office: 1 HQ, 4 Area Office, 12 Units Office and 24 Committees





1.    Cooperative (Co-op)

2.    Social Service (Mukti Guthi)

  • Ritual Events/Ceremonies: Birthday, name give day (Nwaran),
  • Tonsure/shave the head/Sacred Thread Ceremony (Bratabandha/Choodakarma/Upanayana/ उपनयनम्)
  • Marriage, Baby Shower, Anniversary: Guthi, Marriage, Corp birthday
  • National/Local Festivals of US and NPL
  • 84 Puja and Senior Citizen Service
  • Death Body Procession
  • Emergency Rescue and Service
  • Income generation for shareholders
  • Affordable Housing
  • Basic Service: Medical, EDD, DMV, IRS/TAX, Immigration





1.  Organization Development

2.  Partnership Building

  • Set up Corp networking from HQ to Grassroot level in CA, US and Global.
  • Share distribution
  • Capacity Building of Corp Institutions
  • Financial, Technical and Human Resource Generation
  • Membership Distribution



KARMA Dep    कर्म बिभाग






1.    Planning/Organize

2.    Monitoring/Reporting

  • Design and conduct expo/events.
  • Design and conduct Research activities








1.  Demand Management

2.  Supply Chain Management


  • Linkage building – Students and education institutions.
  • Organize Expo i.e. Education, Technology, Vocational etc
  • Job placement: Resume Writing, Training, Interview Practice, Computer Training, Basic Account Training etc.
  • Design/Conduct/Submit reports to the concern authority
  • Basic Service: Real State, Loan, Car Purchase, Life Insurance, Credit System, Citizenship, Embassy’s Service
  • Help to improve the situation of public Health





1.     Marketing

2.     Trade

  • Networking, Expertise/Resource Exchange:

–    Demander and supplier

–    Stakeholders, Line Agencies




ARTHA Department

अर्थ बिभाग










1.  Investor Research

2.  Market Research

  • Partnership building with line agencies and stakeholders
  • Research Potential Investment Area
  • Calculate Cost Analysis
  • Identify potential investor






1.  Need Collection

2.  Supply Chain Management

  • Connect to Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), Corporation and Cooperative
  • Arrange resource for business/employment service
  • Build linkage with corporate partners





1.  Budget Planning/Monitoring

2.  Budget Generation

Prepare, Generate, Allocate and Monitor Budget in following 4 Departments:

1. DHARMA (धर्म बिभाग),

2. KARMA (कर्म बिभाग),

3. ARTHA (अर्थ बिभाग

4. MOKSHA (मोक्ष/मुक्ति)



MOKSHA Department






1.    Variables/Measurement

2.    Arrangement


  • Prepare progress verification indicators for 1. Dharma, 2. Karma, 3. Artha
  • Logistic and financial arrangement to conduct research and exam
  • Prepare award and certification
  • Conduct Certification Ceremony


1.    Fix Tools/Techniques

2.    Apply


  • Experiment developed tools and techniques and review
  • Apply/organize progress verification of all departments: Dharma, Karma and Artha.
  • Find out result and level of progress
  • Recommend findings for the certification



2. Award

  • Prepare Award Certificates
  • Organize Events
  • Award to the success person/departments



Meaning and responsibility of each Departments (बिभाग)

  Departments/ बिभाग Meaning
1 DHARMA Department

 धर्म बिभाग

(Righteousness, Moral Values)

Dharma: A principle of law, order, harmony and truth (Satya/सत्यं) is Dharma.

Five (5) pillars of dharma: 1. Knowledge, 2. Patience, 3. Justice, 4. Love 5. Dedication.


Ten (10) essential rules for the observance of dharma: 1.Patience (dhriti), 2. Forgiveness (kshama), 3 Piety, 4. Self-control (dama), 5. Honesty (asteya), 6. Sanctity (shauch), 7. Truthfulness (satya), 8. Control of senses (Indraiya-nigrah), 9. Reason (dhi), 10. Knowledge or learning (vidya).


Dharma Department is a platform to exercise its pillars and rules via its units: Temple, Guthi and Resource Bank.

2 KARMA Department   

कर्म बिभाग

(Pleasure, Love, Psychological Values)


Four (4) pillars of karma: 1. Duty, 2. Ego, 3. Attachment, 4. Reward


Twelve (12) essential rules for the observance of karma: 1.Cause and effect, 2. Creation, 3. Humility, 4. Growth, 5. Responsibility, 6. Connection, 7. Force, 8. Giving and Hospitality, 9. Here and Now, 10. Change, 11. Patience and reward, 12. significance and inspiration.

Karma Department is a platform to exercise its pillars and rules via its units: Trade, Education, Consultancy.

3 ARTHA Department

अर्थ बिभाग

(Prosperity, Economic Values),

Four (4) types of Artha : 1.Money, 2.Wealth, 3. Reliefs, 4. Assets is actually considered as an essential aspect of human life.

Artha ensures dignity through food, shelter, clothing and enough material possessions to live a meaningful life.


Poverty can lead to disorder life. So, the pursuit of material comforts helps to maintain social order.


Artha Department is a platform to exercise for the maintaining social order via its specific units: Trade, Education, Consultancy


4. MOKSHA Department



(Free from useless activities)

Moksha/Mukti (Freedom) is the end of the “Death and Rebirth Cycle” which is the ultimate goal of life.


Mukti Dham is a final point (full stop) for the devotion and fulfilment of Moksha/Mukti for all.

Step-by-step departmental activities shall be followed in each department to reach its goal ‘Mukti/Moksha”.


Moksh/Mukti Department is an authorized agencies to monitor and evaluate the procedure, laws and activities of following Three (3) departments that help to track right path towards its final destination/  goal “Mukti/Moksha” for all: 1. DHARMA Dep (धर्म बिभाग), 2. KARMA Dep (कर्म बिभाग), 3. ARTHA Dep (अर्थ बिभाग)