

Following six (6) types of membership shall be performed on the Mukti Corp

# Primary Member # Secondary Member
Lifetime Member (LM)
/Founder Member (FM)
Associate Member (AM)
Trusty/Patron Member (PM)
Follower Member (FM)
General Member (GM)
Honorary Member (HM)


Member 1/6. Lifetime Member (LM)

/Founding Member (FM) of Mukti Corp:

Lifetime Member (LM) shall be defined as a Founding Member (FM) on the Mukti Corp as given:

Qualification Verification Key Power/Authority
A. Individual 20 shares holder – a person who purchased share till the last date of sign the final ownership of Mukti Corp property (building).

B.  Concept innovator/originator (s)

C.  Initial Task Force Member (s)

D. First Executive Committee before Corp registration.

E.  Agencies/person who helped to register Corp

F.   Corp Registered Individual (s) to the Secretary of State, California

G. Person who used SSN to the IRS for EIN,

H. Initial Bank Account operator (s)


A.     Audio visual slides/documentary

B.     Previous Minute Records.

C.     Letter of Secretary of state CA

D.    IRS’s Letter

E.     Minute record of initial Ex Com.

F.     Share Certificate

G.    Bank Details



A. Develop long term policy for the sustainability of Corp and its business.


B. Formed Executive Board


C.Provide Oath (Sapath Grahan) to BoDs, Exe Committee, staffs and others.


D.Control Corp during emergency situation if necessary.


  1. Leadership of FM shall be transferred every year. Such Leadership shall be started from their Alphabet order of the first name shows on ID/DL and transfer to the next person using same process. Alphabet order shall be followed from the starting word of first name. Family name shall not be counted on this process.
  2. As on given table no 6, A, B C and D shall not be removed in any situation.
  3. Minimum 20 share shall be required for the given table no 6, A and if such share will be decreased or removed his or her name shall be removed from the LM/FM.
  4. TASK FORCE members shall be verified who hosted early 1-5 meetings in the different places of Mukti Concept.


  • FM shall not be validated after the terminated or suspended their shareholder status.
  • Founder’s Appreciation/Recognition: All founders shall be recognized and published their details on the visible area of Mukti Corp’s property which is given below:

Name: First Name is Capital Letter, Last Name in Capital and small letter- Times New Roam – 16 front size.

Biography (Max 100 words), front 12/Times new roman

Photo – Half Size single Color Photo, Size 8” X 10”

  • Respect to originators: Corp shall be organized special events the name of founder and respect them as a parent of Corp and its programs.

Member 2/6.  Patron/Trusty Member (PM): Individuals whose name is or are recorded as a LM/FM shall be defined as PM.

Qualification Verification Key Power/Authority

A.     Person who has 20 (twenty) share under his/her name.

B.      Person who is recorded as a LM/FM.

C.     Person or group who have been working as a TASK FORCE since started a concept of Mukti Corp.

D.     Person or group who process to register Muktinath Corp to the authority.

E.      Person or group who process to receive Employer Identification Number (EIN).

F.      Person or group who initially process to open a Bank Account of Mukti Corp.

G.     Person or group who contributed to prepare bylaws and other legal documents at the time of establishment.

H.     A team of individual who worked as a Board of Directors (BoDs) initially (before and after the registration of Mukti Corp).


A.List of LM/FM


A.   Letter of State of secretary, CA


B.   Letter of IRS


C.   Bank Statement


D.   Meeting Minutes


E.    First presentation materials


F.    Bylaws of Corp



A.   Control and manage Mukti Corp if an emergency situation comes up.


B.   Emergency situations shall be defined “Out of Control and not function BoDs”.


C.   Overall monitoring and support to the BoDs, GA


D.   Other duties as given on Patron Council (PC)




  1. PM shall be terminated if his or her shareholder status is suspended or canceled or invalided.
  2. If shareholder (s) lost their share value in to zero, their status shall be terminated.
  3. As per table no 06, Qualification, any membership shall not be removed in any situation if their minimum one (1) share is valid
  4. Emergency Situation (ES) shall be declared by Muktinath Corp Patron Council (MCPC)
  5. Head of Patron Council shall have solo rights and authority to recruit Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from the qualified candidate for 5 (five) years. At list 80% majority votes of Patron members shall be required to remove and replace CEO with justifiable cause.
  6. TASK FORCE members shall be verified who hosted early 1-5 meetings in the different places of Mukti Concept.
  7. Following minimum qualification shall be required to nominate CEO:
  • Master’s degree pass or above
  • Ten (10) Years work experiences in the general development field
  • Minimum 1 (one) shareholder status
  • Clean Record
  • US Citizen

NOTE: Other provisions about CEO shall be prepared by Patron/Trusty Council (CoP/T) and recommend to the BoD for the implementation.

Member 3/6. General Member (GM): Individual who joined as a Shareholder(s) to Mukti Corp.

Qualification Verification Key Power/Authority

Each of whom owns minimum one (1) stock of Mukti Corp under his or her name.



1.Minimum age of shareholder’s shall be 18+ old.


2.Less than 18 years old kids shall be defined as a Minor child (Ref. UNHRC,1989)




A. Share Certificate


B. Share Record


C.Bank Statement



D.Letter of Mukti



1.  Casting vote.

2. Right to nominate on BoDs

3.Rights to approve or reject or return Corp’s



A. Annual Policy/Program

B. Budget

C. Progress Report

D. Right to amendment Bylaws


4.Review the decision made by BoDs


NOTE: Each share value shall be counted one (1) vote.


 If individual have more than one (1) share he or she shall be cast more than one (1) vote as per the number of their share.

 Note: One share value is limited to 1000.00 USD (One thousand). Such amount might be changed every year by BoDs if required. The quantity and limitation of total share is 2000 on the Corp.  Balance (not sold) share shall be regulated by the founding officers (FO), whose name (s) is/are recorded on the article of Corp (Ref. C Corporate Law of CA).


  1. Shareholder have rights to practice following: Election process on the BoDs, Decision Making Process, Dividends Distribution, Amendment bylaws of Corp.
  2. Balanced stock/share (not sold) shall be counted under the founder’s name of Corp in the Secretary of State, CA.
  3. No one is permitted to receive any facilities from Corp except true shareholder (s) in following activities:
  • Casting vote/poll
  • Provide suggestion, comments and feedback on any Corp’s related matters
  • Nomination of their name on the election and other position on the corporation.
  • Gain any financial, technical and administrative benefit


Example: – The name of “Radha” is only allowed to participate on election activities, decision making process and financial benefit sharing if her name is recorded as a shareholder in the Corp. Her spouse and alternative representative shall not be permitted in any situation.   

Member 4/6. Associate Member (AM): AM shall be defined to the close relatives of General Member (GM) or Share Holder (SH).

Qualification Verification Key Power/Authority
Following relationship of SH or GM:


A.    Spouse – Husband/Wife

B.     Children – Son/Daughter

C.     Parents – Father/Mother

D.    Grand Father/Mother



A. Share certificate of SH or GM

B. Relationship Certificate

C. Birth Certificate

D.Marriage Certificate

E. Proof of Residency i.e. Electric/gas/water/garbage bill, Housing Agreement, bank’s address etc.


A.       Help to promote Corp’s activities.

B.       Support to implement Corp’s program.

C.       Generate Resources

D.       Receive benefit as per bylaws



AM shall be defined as a secondary member of the Corp and they have no rights to participate on any decision-making process, election, consultancy service, financial benefit from the corp.

Member 5/6. Follower Member (FM): individual or group who is or are willing to support Corp and its activities.

Qualification Verification Key Power/Authority

A.    Person or Group who creates an alliance to support Corp.

B.     Individual who support Corp




Detail profile of person or group.


Detail activities of person or group.


Prof of follower i.e. social media, press, personal interaction etc.


A. Conduct campaign to support Corp.


B.  Participate on Corp’s activities


C.  Marketing of Corp and its activities


D. Work as a Corp’s Ambassador

 Justification: FM shall not be permitted to generate or collected any money and resources from anyone or anywhere.

 Member 6/6. Honorary Member (HM): Person or group or organization who supported financial and technical aid that help to achieve Corp’s goals. 

Qualification Verification Key Power/Authority
A. Donors or Sponsored or Loan Provider (s)

B. Professional Supporters


A.     Funding verification documents

B.     Professional collaboration agreement paper


A. Auditing their funding.

B.  Mobilize and share technical expertise.

C.  Exchange Technology

D. Monitoring their support

 Remo: Detail outline of the Mukti’s Goals, Objectives and programs is attached on ANNEX


  1. HM shall be defined individual or group or organization i.e. Person, sponsor, business corporate, alliance, nonprofit corporate, donor community, faithful organization, federation, union etc.
  2. BoDs shall be offered jointly award ceremony to the top two (2) HM every year.
  3. BoD shall be selected one person from Donor or Sponsored or loan providers community and other one shall be selected from professional supporters for award from HM.
  4. Same person shall not be qualified twice for honor if already awarded.
  5. The list of final selected candidate for Award shall be submitted to the PC for final approval.
  6. Additional award selection criteria and process shall be developed by BoD and submit to the PC for final approval.


Termination of membership: BoD shall have power and authority to terminate any types of membership after the final approval from PM. in following situation:

  1. If Court declared as Felony in the following fault:
  • Money Laundering
  • Rape and Sexual Assault
  • Financial Froud
  • Interlocutor corruption and Plagiarism
  • Involvement, support and connection to terrorist activities
  • Drug Abuse and Trafficking
  • Murder, Manslaughter and homicide
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Robbery

NOTE: If any membership terminated in above situation Corp shall not be qualified to receive and dues and assistant from the corp.

  1. Termination of Shareholder/General Membership (GM)

If any member of BoD involvement is proved their shareholder status shall be terminated in following situation:

  • Involvement on any incident (s) given on Article III, Section 1
  • Involvement in any activities against Corp and its project(s).
  • Share quantity is zero
  • Promote and involvement on any unhealthy groupism
  1. Termination of Volunteers/Staffs/Consultant/Advisors:

If any staff or volunteer or consultant involvement is proved in following issues their they shall be terminated by BoD :

  • Anti Corp movement
  • Ignored to follow their job description
  • Missed to respect discipline
  • Mis conduct behavior
  • Un satisfied performance
  • Not clear background check